Two Currencies Every Man Needs

Men around the world are not necessarily first communist, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, fathers, single, tall, short or anything else. All men at heart want to know how to earn a living, be respected, and have a purpose.

My dad said, “Money is the currency of earth, faith is the currency of heaven.” Men need currency in both.

This month, many pastors will embark on a series of messages to the congregation about money. It’s worth the listen, even if you’ve heard it hundreds of times.

As men, we all need to learn both how to earn a living and how to be generous, stretching our faith to the point that we’re willing to give. When you give money generously, it means that all your efforts outlive you.

What you do today to earn money results in your ability to eat food, drive a car, have housing, provide for your family, clothe yourself.

When that same money you have earned is tithed—tithe means giving 10% to the work of the Lord—that money is the only money that is not consumed. Money given goes on into eternity and even reaches heaven ahead of you.

When you learn business principles, you ensure that Christian work will be sustained—even during wars or pandemics, and even when borders are closed.

So, give your pastor your attention this month and pledge your tithe to your local church. CMN never asks for a man’s tithe, but only for financial gifts, which is above the 10% tithe.

“A man’s gift makes room for him,” (Proverbs 18:16).

Giving enlarges you. Giving enables you to earn even more, because you cannot outgive God.

Giving makes you a bigger man.