It’s time to get mad again. In 2024, ruthless killers rampaged through Nigeria slaughtering over 8,000 Christian men, women, and children.
What's our response?
In 2014, the Nigerian Boko Haram terrorists kidnapped 276 girls from a Christian school in Northern Nigeria. Across the world, people united under the banner: #BringOurGirlsHome..
Most of those girls were raped, beaten, brutalized, forced into slavery as terrorist "wives." Some were found, some released, a few escaped, but at least 100 are still in captivity and 60 are dead …
But terrorists have kidnapped more every year since.
Imagine if it were your daughter, your niece, your future wife...
Even with thousands of church members martyred last year, the Nigerian Church is standing strong and... they’ve asked for our help. Because who are terrorists? Men!
Nigerian church leaders have a vision to build a national Christian men’s movement to save their nation by evangelizing and discipling men.
You and I are the hands and feet to help make that vision a reality.
So, I need your help. They asked us to come – we’re answering by going. And we’re not waiting for conditions to be perfect.
We’re going now.
We anticipate expenses of $48,500 for the launch. Once launched, the strong men we’re working with will grow it, city by city, across the nation. That means, your gift today will be scaled multiple times and continue for generations.
Here’s the breakdown, needed by February 15:
You can be part of this powerful thrust.
$100 empowers one leader to train strong men
$500 builds five leaders
$10,000 strengthens an entire region
When Paul received a dream in Acts 16 to go to Macedonia, that nation was off his radar. It wasn’t what he had planned. But God called him – and he set sail that week.
We got a call. We’re going. A full team of pastors from CMN America are leaving on February 25.
We need your help now. Thank you. WE ARE CMN. We rescue men.