In the midst of a chaotic world, committed men of God are shaking cities. Yesterday, key leaders from Dallas/Fort Worth were energized as great CMN friends spoke of discipling men and transforming cities.
Our long-time friend and Lions Roar host, men's pastor James deMelo, gave a powerful strategy to take men into a deeper walk of faith through discipleship retreats and intensives. His men's group has burgeoned from a handful to hundreds of men taking Christ into the marketplace. James provoked my spirit to stay the course.
Walt Landers is taking whole communities for the Gospel through churches, schools, parenting classes, "Dads on Guard" squads in public schools, and more. Walt rocked us when he said they now have over 500,000 square feet of buildings and over 450 employees across five major cities. One of the pastors attending confided after, "Wow, he's doing all that? What a humble guy!" Walt stretched my thinking to attempt more.
Dwayne Pickett, from Jackson, Mississippi, challenged us when he said God was bringing him back into a singular focus...that with all the global ministry and efforts he was involved in, the Lord was bringing him back to the foundational work of the ministry--to disciple men. "I have 3 Masters degrees and an earned doctorate and I've never found anything that crosses racial lines like CMN and the Majoring in Men curriculum. We have former Black Panthers, men from the streets, and former Nation of Islam followers who are now studying a book written by a white man. This does not happen unless God has given an anointed pattern." Dwayne is an authentic leader, unvarnished, without guile. Dwayne inspired me to go outside my comfort zone.
Paul told Titus that the gospel we proclaim must lead to good works ... and those good works would reveal the truth of Christ to the unbelievers. Paul said, "That He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works." Men who do the work attract men who need Jesus. As James deMelo said, "Free men, free men."
James, Walt, and Dwayne are just three of the great servant-leaders you'll rub shoulders with at the CMN Global Summit, Lions Roar 2018. They are men who are zealous for good works. These are the men who deeply affect my life--these are the men who will inspire and stretch you.
I want you to meet men like this--being with them will make you larger. They are men who don't just talk about it, they do the work. I thank God for our brotherhood.
This Challenged Me