Christian Men's Network Brazil is one of the fastest growing men's movements in the world. This week, over 600 key CMN leaders from across Brazil gathered in the capital city of Brasilia to pray, strategize, be encouraged and to build the brotherhood.
Thousands of churches are growing at a tremendous rate due to the ministry of CMN and the Majoring in Men curriculum. Led by Jorge Nishimurra and Marcos Pohl, CMN is making strong impact in this major world power.
One pastor from Porto Alegre said the Number One result of "majoring in men in ministry" is increased salvations in the church. They will baptize 700 new believers next month and the Maximized Manhood (Hombridade Homen) groups are at the center of that renewal.
A pastor from Belo Horizonte said he started "majoring in men" ten years ago with just five men, and today has over 300 men in men's groups. "The men's movement has built a strong church," he said, "and we are known in our city for having a powerful ministry to families." The core is the ministry to men.
After three intense days in Brasilia, Doug Stringer and the CMN team led by Marcos Pohl conducted meetings in neighboring cities then traveled to Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte, two of Brazil's largest cities. The chairman of a major denomination attended Monday night's event in Porto Alegre. After experiencing the minstry and hearing the results, he stood and declared, "All of our churches and all of our men must start Maximized Manhood!"
It was a tremendous moment. Thank you for your partnership in the ministry that makes moments like that happen. And, these are just some of the hundreds of amazing stories we heard and met while in Brazil.
Christian Men's Network is exploding!
Come meet men like this in Dallas this November, and be part of a movement that is growing around the world. You are one of these great men. You have the strategy, the willingness to work, and the anointing of God to do great exploits. Join us in Dallas and let great men equip you. Be part of the solution - bringing Christ to a world in crisis.
The Fastest Growing Men's Movement in the World