Ever been rejected? Had your motives questioned? How about sold into slavery or falsely imprisoned? Well, that escalated quickly - and that's what happened to Joseph.
Like a lot of things recently in our lives, Joseph dealt with circumstances that he couldn't control. How did he navigate that and keep his thinking straight?
Joseph had three attributes that you and I can also have. Favor, Wisdom, and Courage. The favor of God is His acceptance of us. Wisdom is imputed to men who are in the Word and seeking him. Courage is the result of embracing God's destiny for our lives.
We covered it all right here on the Monday Night Men, Power of Potential session three.
Join us on Monday Night Men anytime during the week - or live on Monday nights. It’s our newest global intensive and it’s the fire you need to propel you forward.
Here are just a couple of stories we’ve heard from men over the past three weeks:
“Thank the LORD for CMN and Monday Night Men. Thanks for sharing the insights on GOD-given dreams and potential… a great analogy of Eddie Haskell like JOSEPH son of Rachel & Jacob. GOD Bless you brother Paul Louis Cole.” - Bill
“Check our hearts in the name of Jesus and become the Image of the Father to the Fatherless! We can do this in the power of Jesus! One man at a time!” - Mike
Help us reach more men by subscribing to the Christian Men's Network YouTube channel right here.
And we still have nine weeks left so you have plenty of time to register for free (here) get your books (here) and catch up on the three sessions you’ve missed on our YouTube channelor Facebook.
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