Bishop TD Jakes rocked our world at the last CMN Global Summit. YOU DIDN’T MISS IT. View this great message here.
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In this powerful video, Bishop Jakes states that 80 percent of all suicides are committed by men. Why? Men don’t open up, especially about how life is changing and jobs are changing. “Men tend to talk about what they do. Women talk about who they love.”
Bishop Jakes taught that as a man, you can be gifted, but not pointed. If your creativity is not directed by God, the same thing that makes you good can also make you bad. You might be anointed for something but if you’re not yet appointed, what God intended as a transition can become a tradition.
As a result, you can end up living to be who you were at the expense of enjoying who you are.
What is the answer to this? Watch NOW and be challenged and encouraged.
We are CMN. I trust this message ministers deeply to you. Share it with a friend or men’s group. Thank you for helping CMN reach men by joining AchieveLab today.
TD Jakes on the world’s top content provider for Christian men
![TD Jakes on the world’s top content provider for Christian men](