Bestselling author Stephen Mansfield captivates once again with his stunning teaching, “Building Your Band of Brothers.”
Men in previous generations grew up knowing their fathers, uncles, grandfathers, cousins and brothers. Stephen Mansfield says today, 71 percent of men cannot name a best friend. The average man can’t name another man to call if he has a serious problem. The average man can’t name a man who inspires him.
So what do men do? They are dying from suicide and hopelessness because they don’t have meaningful relationships with men who care about them. They don’t understand true manhood, don’t know who they’re meant to be, don’t know how to bond with other men.
Christian Men’s Network is the solution! If things are going to change, men cannot be isolated. Stephen says men can read, pray, study, recharge when they are alone, but they can’t become better men alone. We need each other.
Men connect by doing, by joining forces shoulder to shoulder. When men are together, they recognize the gift in other men and identify what is honorable. A friendship like that goes beyond just hanging out, to being a benefit to other men.
Start a “contagious culture” with other men:
Watch this outstanding video by Stephen Mansfield.
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