Staying Strong In Uncertain Times

Staying Strong In Uncertain Times
Waves of fear are hitting us from every side, the panic is spreading faster than the actual coronavirus. But as followers of Christ, we have a choice to make. Will we allow fear to consume our thoughts and paralyze us or will we live our lives fearlessly devoted to Jesus and His mission? 

As a brotherhood and men of God, we must stand united and strong in faith at this time. 

Now, this is what I wrote last week, and it's how I'm standing today. My prayer for you is that you will experience Unshakable Faith as well.

The coronavirus is real, it’s not made up or a conspiracy. It’s a dangerous disease in a dangerous world. So, how should I respond as a Christian? As a father and servant-leader?
I’ve written scriptures at the end of this email for you to pray over yourself and your community. Here’s the truth:
Just because I’ve committed my life to following Christ with all my heart does not preclude that the brokenness of this world will not touch my life. What following Christ does is give me the confidence that he’s got this.

Jesus spoke this over his friends who lived in a real-world, “The Father is with me. I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world." (John 16:31-33)

Because the Holy Spirit, the abiding presence of Almighty God, lives in me I walk through this world confident, passionate, encouraged, hopeful, filled with peace. But it doesn’t mean I don’t use wisdom. It’s wisdom to eat healthy, stay in the Word, speak generously and use hand sanitizer.
Paul wrote, “We ask God to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.”
David wrote about the mighty warriors of Ephraim. They had all the right weapons, yet in the day of chaos, stress and war, they ran in fear. Here’s what caused them to run: they didn’t trust the word of the Lord.
“Though they were all equipped warriors, each with weapons, when the battle began they retreated and ran away in fear. They didn’t really believe the promises of God.” (Psalm 78:9-12)

Daniel found himself in the middle of a den of hungry lions though he hadn’t done anything wrong. Daniel faced down the enemy because he believed the promises of God. I’m sure he didn’t foolishly put his arm in the mouth of a lion…but in the middle of chaos and terror, he trusted God.

God has already won the victory over death, hell, and the grave. I choose to trust God.
Jesus said, “All the powers of hell itself won’t be able to defeat you. I will give you the keys to victory, my name, and my spirit!”

Let’s move forward with UNSHAKABLE FAITH.

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