The most important and powerful weapon in the hand of God is a man who becomes everything he was designed to be on the earth. That’s you.
As I share with you the secrets of the world’s most resilient and courageous men, I recommend you print it out – pray over it – add your own notes. Why? Because the Holy Spirit will give you personal insight, beyond what I’ve written, that is just for you.
Wisdom Key #1: DO THE BASICS
In the armed forces the training that serves as a foundation for your military career is called, “basic training.” You and I both know there are two immutable basics to living a powerful Christian life: read your Bible, connect with the Lord in prayer.
But what does that mean?
1. God’s Word is the highest manifestation of Himself on the face of the earth. His Word is true, produces truth, and fills us with Godly wisdom. When you read, have something to write on—a journal or notepad. Write down what the Holy Spirit brings to your mind, what he speaks to your heart. At times, I’ve written in my phone or on the back of an envelope then transferred it to my journal later.
David wrote, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:11).
In the digital world, the basic language is called the “source code.” Your computers and mobile devices have a basic language so whoever who builds programs, apps, or systems can communicate with them. If we want Him to direct us, we need God’s source code in our hearts. The Bible is the source code that allows us to speak the same language as our Father.
2. Prayer is the energy center of a man’s life. Prayer produces focus, builds our foundation of faith, and fills us with the power of the Holy Spirit. As we wrote in the book Just a Bartender, why did Jesus invest so much of His time in prayer? Why couldn’t He, God Incarnate, just say, “I’ve got this”?
Just like you and me, everywhere Jesus turned, someone wanted Him to do something: “Heal me.” “Come this way.” “Pay attention to me.” “Fix this.” “Help me.” “Teach me.” Jesus faced nonstop requests to come to someone’s town, heal their son, fix their synagogue, answer their questions, attend a party, provide fish and bread. Jesus’ life was a never-ending stream of questions, accusations, requests, and chaos. Prayer centered the humanity of Jesus. It brought clarity into His humanness. Clarity always defeats chaos.
There is no substitute for the basics. In the fitness industry they say, “You can’t exercise your way out of poor nutrition.” The basics are essential.
Read this again. Preach it to yourself. Convince yourself. Then start the process. Build a daily habit of prayer and Bible reading. Doing the basics will power up every part of your life from business to family to friendships to personal pursuits.
At CMN, we read Proverbs every morning, the chapter that corresponds to the day of the month…Proverbs 2 on the second of the month, and so on. Read through the Psalms in the evening. Then read another part of the Bible every day. Try some of the great Bible reading programs on the YouVersion app, or use the chronological reading guide in the back of your Majoring In Men curriculum workbook.
Just start. Now. This is going to be awesome.
Start Your Year with the Basics