Predicting November 5

It seems that everyone has a prediction for the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 5.

It was Yogi Berra who said, "Predicting is very hard ... especially about the future."

I believe that as a citizen of the U.S. I have a responsibility to vote. As do you in your nation.

I have been involved in my local community for many years - coached youth teams, volunteered at shelters, worked in my local precinct, helped my neighbors. That's what a Christian man does.

My prediction is that when we gather at Lions Roar Nov 7 - 9, Jesus will be Lord, God will be sovereign, the Holy Spirit will be bursting with power and Heaven will not be in panic mode!

I believe God's will is triumphant, His plans for mankind are irrevocable and His heart for you and me is for our success.

When God inspired Jeremiah to write, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you a future and a hope." He was writing to people in bondage in Babylon. He was writing to people in desperate times - yet God told them their future was one of hope!

My prediction for Nov. 5 is that hope will be alive in the morning and hope will still be alive in the night. In Him I rest my faith.

I am voting. I am supporting men and women of righteous intent.

I look forward to seeing you at Lions Roar Nov 7.

I am always your friend, brother and ally.