The story of one man cuts like a knife across the surging discord of culture. Elijah, Joseph, David - each man's story deeply penetrates our hearts. And that's the story of our brother Phuong.
Phuong from DaNang and in the picture above he's doing an incredible presentation on CMN curriculum in Saigon. And, you can see some of the men he's mentoring in DaNang.
Here's the connection...
He first heard about CMN & Maximized Manhood when we did the "Never Quit" broadcast in September of 2020.
He grabbed the materials as a 29-yr-old ex-drug addict and began to learn what a real man was. Then he began to teach his friends. Then he taught young men in a local church … and that’s the group of men who became the first commissioned men in the history of Vietnam.
That September 2020 broadcast was the very first Dangerous Nations broadcast -- and it reached a young man, a new Christian, who was sitting in a cafe watching because he needed discipling …and from that broadcast came the first 17 men commissioned in the nation of Vietnam. AND he has become a champion for CMN and the ministry to men across Vietnam.
His life began in the home of a father who was a local official and who was highly abusive and intolerant. Phuong is now 33 years old, has forgiven his dad, and the relationship with his father has been restored!
Today he's a servant-leader, married, with a beautiful one-year-old girl.
His life is forever changed. And now he wants to change his nation.
This is the stunning work of Christ in a man’s heart. This is what CMN does. Over and over again. One man at a time...