Branding is a huge part of our culture today. We work on it, talk about it, adjust it, and get specialists who can help us.
Today there are influencers, YouTubers, and TikTokkers who have amassed millions of followers by developing their personal brand.
Jesus said, "Who do men say that I am?" He was asking a question about His branding among the culture.
How do you build your brand?
Your true brand is built from the inside out - it's called character and identity.
Monday Night Men is in a six-week intensive on building your brand from the inside out based on the remarkable life of Nehemiah. When Nehemiah's identity changed, his definition among others changed. It was a process with tremendous results.
Click HERE to register and learn more about Just a Bartender - then join with the CMN Brotherhood Monday nights to make your story the one you’ve always wanted.
And because of faithful CMN partners and their monthly giving, there’s absolutely no charge.
Join us TONIGHT on the Christian Men's Network Youtube channel. Get your book at Be part of the CMN Brotherhood.
People are talking behind your back