Paul Cole G300 August 2020 Reminder

Paul Cole G300 August 2020 Reminder
Since catching the last flight out of Peru on March 13, I've talked to many of our CMN men across the globe. You might also be wondering.... "Is CMN still happening?"
The answer is YES! We're cranking six days each week, all over the world. To catch up, I'd like to talk by phone with you and all our Gideons 300 brothers on:
3pm Pacific | 5pm Central | 6pm Eastern
If you're interested in how CMN is continuing to minister, the video curriculum on MONDAY NIGHT MEN, our outreach to VIETNAM, training PASTORS and LEADERS in men's ministry, and what's happening with the LIONS ROAR GLOBAL SUMMIT this year (YES, we're doing it!), please join me for 45 MINUTES on AUGUST 11 following the link below my signature.
I trust you've heard the BraveMen podcast, or listened to CMN Radio, or tuned in to our CMN Facebook Live mornings or YouTube channel. 
Brother, it's time to act aggressively, and CMN is on the move! It's about BROTHERHOOD. Get on the call with the Band of Brothers, and let's hang out!