Open. Door. Egypt & Arabic lands!

Open. Door. Egypt & Arabic lands!

I’m on the flight home from Cairo, Egypt. My heart is fired up - faith is strong - I can see the victories ahead. It won’t be easy. But, it will be a game changer.

We will help our brothers raise up mighty men of God across the Middle East!

Paul said about his stay at Ephesus, “… a wide door for effective ministry has opened - yet there are many adversaries.”

We have this in the Middle East and the twenty-two Arabic nations. Open doors and adversaries.

The leading pastors and churches we met with in Cairo were blessed to receive us and to work as allies in a new Christian men’s movement in the Middle East. But the enemy will try to stop us - to distract and dissuade us.

We’re in the fight to stay … to win.

A wide door is open - we will see thousands of Arabic-speaking men discipled and moved along their journey in knowing Christ. The power of God in the hearts of men will grow churches, save families, and transform nations in one of the most pivotal regions of the world.

From Egypt to Jordan to Morocco to Qatar, the Lord has opened a door for us to minister alongside some of the region's most powerful churches and leaders. With our ally Dr. Fares Abraham with Levant Ministries and CMN ambassador Ps. Steve Trevino, we met with the leading pastors and ministries of Cairo in an intense week of work and ministry. 


First: we must translate Maximized Manhood book and workbook into Arabic. That’s a $12,000 project. (Perhaps that’s about 25 cents per man that we’ll reach in the next 24 months.)
Second: We’ll conduct strategic meetings in person twice this year - but the translation must be done first. And these meetings will need sponsors. 

Third: We’ll do broadcasts from our new studio! Training leaders and pastors in Arabic … we’ll do these along with the Farsi, Vietnamese, Urdu, Spanish, and other broadcasts we have scheduled this year. 

Fourth: We’ll conduct a series of leadership summits in the Middle East in 2024.

Thank you for praying. We have a great start because you gave, prayed, and encouraged.

I must tell you I resonated with the brothers I met in Cairo - they are resolute men of God. Some of the finest ministers I’ve ever been around. My heart is deeply encouraged by the favor of God that was so evident on the ministry of CMN.

Praise the Lord. May Jesus be lifted up and all men drawn to Him. May men be set free, families restored, children secure in a father’s love, and churches filled. 

We’ll go anywhere God opens the door. Nothing is too difficult for the Brotherhood of CMN. No place is too far, no adversary too daunting, no task too large, no calling too intimidating … 

We are CMN. We rescue men. 

GIVE TODAY: Launch Arabic Maximized Manhood