Our Monday Night Men intensive called “Never Quit” is powerful. Don’t miss out tonight as we learn the ONE THING that, if you master it, will change everything for you.
It’s important to know that everything God does is according to a pattern and based on a principle. When we base our lives on His patterns and principles, instead of opinion and circumstance, our paths are straighter, our lives are richer.
In this period of constant change we’re living through, one of God’s patterns is critical to learn: the process of entering and leaving. Everything we ever do in life is to enter and leave. We leave home to enter school, leave school to enter the workforce, leave single life to enter marriage, leave one job to enter another.
Each change we endure comes with crisis, small or large. The greater the change, the greater the crisis. That’s why people are suffering today from ill-health, addictions, failing marriages—we’re in a global crisis, and we need to be equipped to handle it.
The pattern is entering and leaving. The principle is: “How you leave determines how you enter.”
How we leave one situation determines how we enter the next. If we leave with a wounded spirit, we bring that wounded spirit into our next situation. If we leave with bitterness, animosity, hostility, unforgiveness, defeat or fatalism, we carry those seeds to the place where we enter and produce the same things we thought we were leaving behind.
So, how do we understand God’s patterns of change that lead to success? That’s what we’re talking about tonight.
Join us the CMN Monday Night Men global intensive, Never Quit. We start at 9:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM PST.
Set a reminder on your phone and show up tonight at 9:00 PM EST. YouTube at the ChristianMensNetwork YouTube channel or on Facebook at CMN MONDAY NIGHT MEN.