Crisis is normal to life. At CMN, we talk about this numerous times. Storms come to every man's life.
Here's an important and powerful way to navigate the negativity of the world. Put the right stuff in your heart. Be in the Word of God. Pray. Connect with your brothers.
Here's a great way to level up the positive input.
In addition to getting the Brave Men motivational three times per week - Read the CMN Instagram, Facebook. I invite you also to follow my own Instagram and Facebook.
This will fill your heart with faith, hope and encouragement.
To connect with me on Instagram, go HERE and on Facebook go HERE.
To follow Christian Men’s Network on Instagram, go HERE and on Facebook go HERE.
Just this week we posted powerful stories of what God is doing across the nations.
A tremendous event in Nigeria.
A powerful “Unshakable” weekend in San Angelo, Texas, where hundreds of men gathered. A Master the Art of Discipling Men for dozens of pastors in Houston and a packed-out tremendous men's ministry event in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Defeat the stress of life with the right communication - what you imbibe into your life and what you then speak out to others.
Change the negative atmosphere of this world with the positive atmosphere of God's hand moving among the men of our generation. It will get you fired up!
Follow me on Instagram to see reports of Vietnam, Brazil, Middle East and inspirational stories from men around the world.
I'll see you there.