1,000,000 men... and still growing! As of 2-20-2020, there will be a million men discipled in Indonesia through CMN.
Just arrived from Vietnam to Jakarta, Indonesia to celebrate ONE MILLION MEN who have now completed the Maximized Manhood camps and discipleship in Indonesia.
Thousands of discipleship camps have been conducted through more than 100 men's centers in zones across this Muslim nation. Thousands are coming to Christ every day.
This ministry to men has grown churches, saved families, renewed marriages and hundreds of thousands of children have a redeemed father who loves them.
It's really all about fatherhood and the next generation. And that's where Indonesia is headed next: joining with CMN men around the world in the Global Fatherhood Initiative.
This discipleship camp pictured above is from March, 2019. It is one of hundreds that will be duplicated this year. It's growing exponentially.
Pray for your CMN brothers working like this around the world!
Strong men - strong families - strong churches.
We are CMN. We rescue men.