Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah wrote this to you and me, "The Lord has given me a strong warning, not to think like common men." Isaiah 8:11
My brother, it is the natural, fearful thinking of mankind that thrusts this planet into chaos…and it will be the powerful faith of godly men like you who will bring Jesus, life, and healing to the nations.
At this year’s Lions Roar Global Summit, our call is to “Brotherhood.” It’s about honor, courage, and commitment. The CMN brotherhood is committed to helping men succeed in Christ and become strong disciples. We are committed to each other’s God-given dreams—dreams for a strong family, a thriving career, a growing church family, and a new intimacy with God.
Many of the greatest Christian pastors, thought leaders and men’s ministry specialists on the planet will join us this November in Dallas. It will be enlarging, invigorating, and anointed.
Men are coming from Europe, as well as from the four corners of the world. CMN works when all of the brothers pull together. So whether you’re from Gaithersburg, Paraguay, Springfield, or Saskatchewan, there are men coming who need you, and who you need to meet!
Lions Roar Global Summit for Christlike Manhood. Register early and save money! Be part of the global brotherhood.
To register a group of up to 10 men at the lowest possible rates, with the pastor attending FREE, click here. For you personally, click here.