MNM Reminder - 5.18.20

MNM Reminder - 5.18.20
It’s week eight of our CMN Monday Night Men global men’s intensive, live streaming on YouTube and Facebook. Tonight, we’re talking about one of the greatest gifts you can receive and more importantly, give.

That gift is forgiveness. In tough times, you can be your own best friend or worst enemy. By forgiveness, you do yourself a service; by unforgiveness, a disservice.

Forgiveness is basic to Christlikeness. God’s love is tough enough to continue forgiving, continue loving, regardless of the injustices we do to Him.

Daniel forgave. Even in the face of cruel injustice, he forgave his captors, the men who ransacked and pillaged his native land. He served the very men he had “every right” to hate. Through serving them, he became qualified to lead them. It was tough, but he was stronger because of his forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a mature trait of a manly character. You can open a whole new world for someone, including yourself, by dying to your own feelings and letting God’s Spirit work in your life. Try it. You won’t just like it–you’ll love it. And forgiveness is even better given than received.
Forgiveness opens; unforgiveness closes.

Tune into tonight, with other men from around the world, and learn how forgiveness can unlock the life that God has destined for you.

We have a few weeks left for our current intensive so grab your Strong Men in Tough Times resources. We’re still shipping every day - order here.

Set a reminder on your phone, stick a post-it note on the fridge, to remind you to show up tomorrow at 9:00 PM EST. YouTube at the ChristianMensNetwork YouTube channel or on Facebook at CMN MONDAY NIGHT MEN.