Europe is in crisis and CMN-Europe is ready to meet it. Within and without, Europe is under siege—a refugee crisis, Isis attacks, faltering EEU, leadership trauma, vacant cathedrals, few churches, epidemic fatherlessness.
European men are in crisis. In Germany alone, over one million men per day visit a prostitute—often on their lunch hour. Accepted, normal, yet deadly to the soul, murderous to the family.
CMN is raising the level of engagement. Lions Roar Europe in Berlin, May 24-26, is the start of a turning point for the nations of Europe.
The epicenter is Berlin. Once the center of a Nazi war machine that attempted to dominate the world, the city was flattened by Allied bombers that destroyed over one million structures. The city split in two after World War 2 until communism’s collapse in 1989 brought down the wall that divided brothers.
In 2002, the Brandenburg Gate was restored—the most important symbol of the German people. Now it’s time to restore the men of Germany and all of Europe.
Join your CMN brothers around the world in prayer for Lions Roar Europe this May 24-26. Key men from across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa are coming together, praying together, and asking God for the favor and strategy to rescue men across the nations. Join these men in prayer.
And, your CMN brothers in Europe require financial assistance. You can give here and every dollar will be sent to help the work.
We are taking Jesus to the men of Europe in a powerful thrust of evangelism and discipleship. Thank you for your love and care for others, and for remembering to pray and give.
Lions Roar Europe! Berlin May 24 - 26