Here's a great opportunity to accelerate the start of 2021. The final installment on our STRONGER intensive is remarkable - and it's LIVE. We are on the move toward renewing our hearts, rebuilding our dreams and launching a powerful year in Jesus!
Join me tomorrow LIVE on a private Zoom call with a remarkable leader and coach, Dr. Mark Chironna.
Every man gets knocked down. The resilient man gets back up.
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)
Most men wait. Just wait. But the original word means “to look for” or “to trust in.” It’s not passive. It's an action word. Jacob said at the end of his life:
“I have waited for the salvation of the Lord.”
Another translation says,
“I have trusted in you O Lord.” (Genesis 49:18 NLT)
Jacob didn’t sit around "waiting." He actively trusted in the Lord and got busy pursuing his purpose and mission in life. His was a life filled with hope.
Hope will build your faith, hope will give you energy, hope will rebuild your dreams, hope will give you grit. Let's build a life of endurance, tenacity and strong faith. Let's be men like Joseph who wouldn't let his dream die, even in the midst of the worst obstacles.
Join me tomorrow on a special call. -PC