Is There Something More?

Is There Something More?

We were with a group of great men in Reno when I asked them this key question, “Is the level of life you’re now living – at the full capacity of your life. Or, do you sense there is something more?”
Almost every man said, “I sense there is something more.” I feel the same way. And, that’s the amazing part of following Jesus – there is always more! In Ephesians God speaks through Paul that he has “lavished” his love and grace on us. In Psalms God says through David, “You will be blessed in every area of your life when you follow me!” God is constantly calling you and me to live a deeper, stronger and more anointed life.
Do you want to make 2020 a better year than 2019? I believe you agree with me when I say, “YES!”
THERE ARE SEVEN BASIC HABITS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING! No matter where you are right now 2020 can be a year of significant and dynamic fulfillment. It can be YOUR YEAR. It can be the year you move into that place of "something more"! 
I'm inviting you to join a special group of CMN friends that are investing the first 10 days of 2020 learning SEVEN HABITS THAT BUILD SPIRITUAL ENDURANCE. 
There are seven common traits of people who succeed in spite of the chaos of this world, or who endure in the toughest circumstances. You can learn all seven by joining me and a special group of friends HERE.
You'll receive videos and email prompts for the first ten days of 2020, starting January 1. So, get your year started right and join us on the journey for the SEVEN HABITS THAT BUILD SPIRITUAL ENDURANCE.
Invest a few minutes every day to make every month an overcoming month! Get rid of anxiety, negative thinking and weak knees. Become a stalwart person – let’s walk together the FIRST TEN DAYS of the New Year - JOIN ME!