We are going into the most dangerous nations of the world starting with Iran. Before they reach the streets in our cities we are reaching them in theirs with the Gospel of Jesus!
This five-year strategy will train over 50,000 pastors to disciple FIVE MILLION men. It's a nation-changing campaign.
After the success of training 2400 pastors in VietNam last September - the Lord has given us this powerful mission.
We need your financial help to kick it off.
So, before the year ends would you pray and consider giving? Thank you.
Every 180 minutes…a Christian is killed for his faith. Every day…ten Christians are unjustly imprisoned, more than 25 church facilities are attacked, terrorist jihad groups attract 67 disaffected young men. Every day. Into this chaos, we are bringing Christ.
The Dangerous Nations Campaign will transform men, save families, rescue children and impact nations.
You and I can help fulfill the mission from Jesus himself, "Go into ALL the world and make disciples"!
Iran is first : heading into dangerous nations 2021