In the midst of crisis, a HUGE window of opportunity

In the midst of crisis, a HUGE window of opportunity

You and I are on a mission. This is not for the fainthearted. It's for men who have a compelling vision to see men rescued, families saved and nations brought to Christ.

God has called us out of safe places and into dangerous nations. Men in other nations don’t have bail outs or access to any resources. We have brothers in Southeast Asia that need our hand and our hope – they look to us. 

This is why last year we launched our first online livestream event to train the pastors and leaders in Vietnam. And it’s why March 22nd and 23rd we’ll be doing it again. 

Vietnam is a nation of beauty, mystery, and chaos - it is an orphan nation, a fatherless culture. Most of the fathers and grandfathers were killed over the decades of war. The boys who grew up in that tragic era are the dads today - and they are a mess. The pandemic only made it worse. They need Jesus. 

While the physical war in communist Vietnam ended almost 45 years ago, the battle for the hearts of men rages on. Wives and children lost husbands and fathers. Boys were raised to manhood, not knowing their true identity. In that sliver of land called Vietnam, over 1,500,000 children are orphans. 

At times, it can seem impossible... But God is faithful...even in the midst of impossible situations.

We have the solution to the problem. We cannot fail them.

Today, Vietnam’s church leaders are hopeful. A church movement is growing. The problem is, there is no background from which to build strong men. Most of the pastors grew up fatherless. 

And this is why God has opened the door for the Christians Men’s Network to equip these pastors and leaders. 

We have reached a critical moment.


And we need the brotherhood to rally.

Here’s what we are asking you to do:

‘Pray for open communication channels. We were already kicked off Facebook for 21 days for our posts about reaching men for Christ in dangerous nations...’

‘Pray for the courage of these leaders not to fail as they take the Gospel to their nation’

‘Pray for technical excellence with equipment, and for Gods anointing on the teaching and teachers’

Give to support the livestream and the translation and distribution of more resources to the men and leaders in Vietnam’

Thank you for helping our friends in Vietnam. And, thank you for being part of the brotherhood of CMN.