The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men are hosting a Daniel Summit in Phoenix.
We are meeting for an essential roundtable and dialogue on biblical masculinity. This important gathering of commissioned men will happen June 7 and 8 in Phoenix. This is a God-moment in a critical season.
This Daniel Summit is by invitation for the Brotherhood of Commissioned Men of CMN. We need you there. At a crucial moment in the spiritual alignment of nations, in a season in which manhood is mis-defined - men of God must stand for truth. The Brotherhood of Commissioned Men are the men who do the work, define the moment and transform culture by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Recently the American Psychology Association published their guidelines for counseling men and boys. They made a crucial error – they transposed the words “toxic” and “traditional” when speaking of masculinity. Equating the characteristics of toxic masculinity and traditional masculinity as equal in definition revealed their agenda to emasculate men, diminish manhood and create a gender-neutral culture. Nothing could be more anti-biblical nor ungodly.
The most fascinating element of the entire report was a small note in the addendum … they said the guidelines, their truth from which to help men and boys find their identity, would expire in August of 2028. Their truth has an expiration date – the truth of God’s word never expires.
This is why we are gathering – to stand for truth. We will meet in the facilities of The Rock Church, 8615 Kelton Lane, Peoria Arizona, 85382. There are numerous hotels in the immediate vicinity – we are compiling that list now.
Our first day, Friday, will be roundtable and dialogue from 9:30a to 4p. At 7p Friday we will meet for a dinner at a local country club. Saturday we will meet in a public regional men’s event from 8:30a to 3:30p followed by a BOCM reception from 5p to 7p. A registration fee will cover both days.
Please pray with us over this vital meetup. We will set into place the forward movement for BOCM and the gathering of men of action around the world.
We’ll have more details next week. Right now, plan on being in Phoenix June 7 and 8.
Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Reverence God. Respect the king.