Love produces faith, faith gives us the power of grace, grace produces a generous heart.
A generous heart is filled with faith, love, and hope. A generous heart is free from fear and lives at peace.
Your life will not be shaken by attacks of the enemy when you’re moving in the spirit of generosity.
Take inventory: You’ve built a strong foundation on His Word. That means you win because Christ has already obtained the victory.
You won’t be shaken. You won’t stop your forward movement. You will become what your heart has embraced—His life living in you!
God told us, “Perfect love casts out all fear.”
The generosity of our Father in Heaven, sending his Son to pay the price for our sins—that generosity established a “NO FEAR” zone around our lives. We do not have to accept any fear, no matter where it comes from.
People are covered with fear, dying without hope.
WE CARRY THE ANSWER! Let’s not sit back in fear. CMN men are known around the world for moving in generosity, moving in love, faith and grace. for it, we'll be launching the Guardians later this month to give you the opportunity to exercise generosity for the brotherhood.
Let’s do the work, operate in generosity, take care of the business God has given into our hands to do.
"Fear not" is not just words. It's yours today.