Our brotherhood at CMN is in a powerful season of harvest. Reports from across the globe bear out the wonderful news… God is healing the hearts of men. He is rescuing fathers and saving children.
After a Sunday church service in Montana, following a tremendous men’s conference the day before, a big man named Jim came up and shook my hand. “Thank you,” he simply said. “For what?” I asked. He stood six inches taller than me, probably fifty pounds heavier, most of it tough Montana muscle. He was a true western roughrider.
“Well,” he started, then paused. “Yesterday something pretty strong happened in my life. I wanted to thank you. I’m sixty years old and I’ve hated my dad for my whole life. I didn’t know who he was until I was 20 years old. I was already upset about that. Then, when I met him, he told me he didn’t want anything to do with me… I hated him from that minute on.”
“For the past forty years, I’ve had a pretty rough life. Lots of anger, bitterness, marriage and family issues. It’s been rough.”
I watched as this tough man started to get tears in his eyes, and he shifted from one foot to the other… ”Yesterday, when you did that call for forgiveness, I did it. For the first time in my life—I forgave my dad.”
I hit him in the shoulder and rejoiced with him. Wow!
Then he added, “So, I just wanted to say thank you. I’ll never be the same again. Thanks.” He shook my hand, turned and walked away, wiping the tears from his face.
That is why you and I do what we do.
This is why we sacrifice, travel, meet with men, launch men’s groups, give financially, conduct men’s conferences, give away books… It’s about changing the world—one man at a time.
Someone you know needs to overcome unforgiveness - forward this to them.