CMN board member, Dr. Doug Stringer, has changed neighborhoods and communities through the power of the Gospel, by prayer initiatives, compassion evangelism, leadership, and disaster response. Today, he will both challenge and encourage you to finish your race!
Dr. Stringer says we're in a new day, when men need to rise up. From Psalm 110:2-3, he quotes, "From the womb to the youth, an army of volunteers will sign up for the day of His power.”
The Church is intended to heart the soul of the nation, and minister to the nations of the world, Doug explains. To do so, we need to be in one accord, without divisions, even within ourselves. God did not call us to start a race, but to finish it and to finish it well. The only way to do that is to build on the fundamentals, the unshakable principles of God's Word.
William Booth voiced his concern that the problems facing our current century will be "religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God and Heaven without Hell"
Watch this great message to the end as Doug admonishes men not to compromise our moral and biblical convictions, which is the equivalent of selling our birthright for a morsel of gratification.
Finish the Race Well