Abraham had a ram in the thicket, Joshua had a fleece, David had a prophet, Jonah had a whale and Elijah had ravens ... all of us need something that puts us back on the right track.
Here it is! The 2020 CMN Global Summit – is ON.
Meet us in Dallas for the Global Summit with the theme we all need; STRONGER. We've got speakers live on-site and we'll also be streaming the entire event for those who cannot be with us.
November 5-7, Thursday noon to Saturday noon. Right next to the DFW airport. No downtown hassles, easy in and out. And all safety protocols adhered to.
Who do you know that doesn’t want to end 2020 STRONGER than they started? This is what we all need - brotherhood!
David had a huge setback when the Philistines captured his family, all the families of his men and burned his entire village at Ziklag. Buffeted by fear, doubt and accusation, David repented and turned his heart to the Lord. God answered his prayer with a promise of victory. David rose up, dusted himself off - and his brothers went with him to rescue their families and win the battle.
Every man has a Ziklag moment. Every man must get ready for battle. And every man needs a band of brothers.
The world throws negativity, slander, accusations, doubt, fear and confusion at us every day. The cultural chaos and pandemic is our Ziklag - trying to stop us from rising up in faith.
The battle is won by a brotherhood of men filled with His Spirit, full of courage and character.
Please join the brotherhood this November. It's always life-changing, a true pivot time for destiny. I really need you to be part of it.
Registration is OPEN and can’t be simpler.
Bring a group, get a discount. Get online, do a meetup with your group.
It’s going to be amazing, but without you, it won't be the same.
Do you want to end 2020 STRONGER?