Recently President Joe Biden ended his campaign to run for another term in office. It was reported by NBC news that as he gathered his team around him on a Saturday night on the coast of Delaware, he was angry, hurt, and felt betrayed by those who had been his allies for years.
It was a classic case of friendship being the victim of political expedience.
We’re only friends until it doesn’t benefit me anymore. It’s the animal kingdom.
How different is the friendship of brothers in Christ.
Brotherhood is at the center of what we do as men of God. Relationship is always more important than titles or position or fame.
Brotherhood is what Jesus modeled.
As I reflected on the background reports, it made me appreciate what Jesus put into motion with the disciples. They had some real disagreements. They had some strong discussions … but they were all settled in the love of God and love for each other.
We are brothers regardless of personal benefit, because our brotherhood is based on love, founded in sacrifice and fueled by resurrection life.
SERVE! Our theme for Lions Roar 2024 is perhaps an unusual one … but it’s what Jesus said should be at the center of our relationships, to serve others. We love so we serve. We serve because that brings the spirit of God alive in our culture.
We serve because it’s not all about us – it’s about others.
If you haven’t registered for Lions Roar 2024, do so right now. We have less than half of the remaining seats available. REGISTER HERE.
Nations will be transformed because we serve. We serve Christ, we serve others and we serve the brotherhood of believers. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 NLT
Your friends and loved ones will never have to stay up late on a Saturday night lamenting betrayal and loss … because you are a committed man of God, and one who will be a brother even in the toughest times. “"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Prov 17:17
Let’s practice love. Be that brother.