If you’ve ever flown on an airline and been through the safety demonstration you know one of the first things they say is this … “In case of emergency oxygen masks will drop. Place it over your nose and mouth. Put yours on first before helping anyone else.”
Why do they say that?
Because, if you aren’t healthy - it’s going to be hard to help anyone else.
These are challenging and chaotic days. As men, we must have clarity and peace to lead ourselves and our families with wisdom and courage. To do that we must put on our “oxygen mask” first, meaning we must first take care of our spirit, soul, and body so we can be able to strongly help others.
This will help your spiritual and mental health: This weekend take a few minutes – invest some time to strengthen yourself - listen to the latest episodes of the Brave Men Podcast. Here’s a recap of the most recent episodes.
Episode 44: Blaine Bartel - The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of an Evangelical Icon. Blaine Bartel’s story sounds like a fictional movie. It is the most amazing and provocative story of a man’s rise to fame as a star in the evangelical world and, then tragically, a deadly, crashing descent into the secret sexual underworld of America and total ruin of his life, his family and his future. Then … somehow, it started coming back. Many said, “Impossible.” But, here’s the real story. LISTEN NOW
Episode 45: James Craft - The Man Who Lost it All...and Came Back. A raging porn addiction almost destroyed James and Teri’s marriage. It did end his career and growing popularity as a pastor. From the heights of a burgeoning global ministry to the depths of shame and degradation James Craft is a powerful living testimony to the grace of God, the love of a praying wife … and the professional help of a mentor.
In the middle of a global ministry, James’s porn habit and immoral lifestyle were shockingly revealed. James says, “God knew that full exposure was the only way for me to become free, and for my family to experience his complete healing power.” LISTEN NOW
Other episodes include Col. Ollie North, John Tesh, NFL great Chad Hennings, Fox Sports Chris Broussard, Bishop Dale C. Bronner and so many other great national and world leaders. These men will pour wisdom, strength, anointing and power into your heart.
God will use the Brave Men podcast to drop a breath of fresh air on your life. Breathe deeply and walk strong. The Brave Men podcast has now become one of the top 5% of all Christian podcasts globally. We are CMN, we rescue men!
Brave Men - August Promotion