We live in a world of conflict, chaos and disruption. The world is looking for peace, striving for peace, having meetings about peace, doing everything they can to find peace. The problem is that they’ve defined the problem, but mis-defined the solution. The solution is Jesus Christ.
The world defines peace as the absence of conflict or the absence of war, but God defines peace as his presence even in the middle of the war or in the middle of the conflict.
Another definition that we mis-define is what a warrior is. A warrior is not a man of war. He's a man of peace who understands that peace is always the result of strength.
The warriors, the strong men of peace, are gathering November 8-10 in Dallas for Lions Roar 2018. Join with other stalwart men for a time of strategy, enlarging, stretching, and action. It's no longer about pretty Instagrams. It's about having dirty hands—and getting stuff done for God’s kingdom. Let’s do the mission!
Join men who have the same passion you do. All the details are at LionsRoar2018.com. Register now. Don’t miss it.
Be a true warrior. We look forward to seeing you there.