This is a Psalm 20 note … May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy over your victory! Psalm 20
SHOUT for joy because God has won a great victory in Vietnam! All according to His plans, not ours.
We were concerned about going. The coronavirus has decimated tourism by 70 percent. Schools are closed. Villages are quarantined. People everywhere in masks. Palpable fear. Public meetings cancelled. Churches cancelled services. I’ve used more hand sanitizer in the past week than in the past ten years. The virus is a real threat.
We wondered if we were foolish to board our flights. Would the churches meet with us? Would any leaders show up? Could we get anything done?
But we can say emphatically that GOD WON A GREAT VICTORY!
Should we have gone? Pastor Trung in Hanoi answered that. He said, “The event you did last year in Hanoi was a defining moment for our entire movement. And, we are very happy you kept your word and came back. Many say they will come back, but don’t. You did. It is as great a testimony as your words.”
I’ll follow with details below, but in short: in meeting after meeting, it was the top leaders who came to meet with us—presidents of denominations, executive directors of large church movements, heads of Bible colleges, and many, many key men. More leaders than we ever imagined.
You can see online the remarkable meetings—praying and meeting with men, trained key leaders, key influencers. Check here and here.
Our initial goal in Vietnam is 500 churches running a powerful ministry to men with Maximized Manhood and the Majoring in Men curriculum.
Our second goal is holding the first commissioning service in Vietnam in 2023. CMN leader and dear friend Robert Kalatschan, who founded the huge NGO called Giving It Back to Kids, cast the vision and stirred the hearts of pastors and leaders to be commissioned.
CMN men around the world have “commissioned” men as “ministers to the men of the world” after they completed the Majoring in Men curriculum. Vietnam is the next frontier.
CMN is measureable, reproducible and sustainable on its own. We just have to get it started.
Here’s how we can do it:
In Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi (North Vietnam), and Da Nang, we strategized how to get Majoring In Men tools into the hands of pastors and men across the nation. And we distributed translated books and workbooks. THANKS TO YOU! You made this happen!
1. We need to translate more of the Majoring in Men curriculum, it will cost something - but together we can make it happen.
2. We are building a teaching team to come back again Sept 1 – 5 this year. Commissioned men and pastors are invited to write to us at to see about joining the team.
Pastor Joe Onosai from Hawaii, electrified meeting after meeting with his testimony of how Ed Cole mentored him, became a spiritual father - and healed the terrible relationship with his own father - who accepted Christ before he passed away. The CMN curriculum changed his life, and continues to change the lives of men in his church.
We are on our way to the 500 churches actively using the MIM curriculum.
Prayerfully consider your part. Would you continue to pray? Would you give financially toward the books still needing to be translated? We’ve done all this together. No one man can do it alone. Please pray and give today.