This month, in a fast-paced and powerful video, Pastor Kevin Goff teaches from personal experience how he learned all over again how to apply the Word of God to his life.
Watch Kevin’s brilliant message, “We Need Each Other,” in the AchieveLab channel called “Shame/Guilt/Fear: Getting Unstuck.”
What “unstuck” this popular Phoenix pastor from depression and impending divorce started with applying Romans 12:2, “Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” He learned to “take every thought captive to the knowledge of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:5).
Next, Kevin and his wife M’Lisa Goff sought accountability according to Proverbs 18:1, “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire, he rages against all wise judgement.” The results amazed them.
This encouraging talk, and hundreds more, are available to you at the CMN web portal, AchieveLab. Help support Christian Men’s Network around the world when you sign up today!
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